Black White & Brown

Where we stop and smell the roses for you

Downtown Providence

It's been a busy month for us at Black White & Brown. We're moving across town, which means lots of painting, packing and wondering what on earth we used to do with our time. Then all of those paint samples got us thinking. Did you know that Providence is known as the "Creative Capital" of the state? Not just for its famous Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) or mouthwatering culinary program at Johnson & Wales, but for all of its...

Sunman Farm

What a trip this was. I have traveled throughout New England, across Europe, to the west coast, to the south coast, but this was completely different. It began with a quick flight from TF Green in Providence to Chicago and then Indianapolis. We met a friend for lunch and then were picked up by my beau's parents. Did I mention this was my first time meeting them? If they didn't like me they probably could have fed me to the coyotes (and if I...

Carolyn’s Sakonnet Vineyard

  Carolyn’s Sakonnet Vineyard is a great place to get away in rural Rhode Island. Located inside the picturesque hamlet of Little Compton, it’s surrounded by fields, cottages, and cobblestone walls right off route 77. Sakonnet's charm sets in early as you’re whisked off the main road through a clump of tall, dark trees to a bright open pasture. Step out of the car and you’ll realize you’re just a short walk from the vines...

Pennlyn Beach

Ocean City, New Jersey is one of those hidden gems that I find most New Englanders have never heard of. More often that not, they think I’m talking about Ocean City Maryland, and not its closer relative. Then when they realize I’m talking about somewhere on “the shore”, well, they get a little skeptical. What the above photos show you is the quiet side Ocean City has to offer. It has eight miles of clean, sandy beaches—all of which...
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