Black White & Brown

Where we stop and smell the roses for you

Live at Rogers Free Library: Pre-Covid and Peak-Covid, Bristol

Now live at the Rogers Free Library in Bristol, Museum: Pre-Covid and Peak-Covid Bristol. For a limited time, check out two of our photos in person as part of the 'Scapes exhibit at the Rogers Free Library in Bristol, Rhode Island. The two photos taken of the same fence during drastically different times, pre-Covid 2015, and the peak-Covid 2020, uniquely highlight what the world was vs what it became; a free, warm, growing and peacefully aging...

Time’s Emotional Rollercoaster

Busy days that felt like they flew by, empty ones that felt like they would never end. We’ve all had them - moments, months, even years that seem to move at different speeds - so what causes this, and how can we use this to our advantage in a year like 2020? Until recently, I thought it was the amount of tasks I completed that made time feel like it was moving fast or slow. For example, a day with four meetings and fifty emails would feel a...

Brooksvale Park

With a bevy of animals, hiking trails, and places to picnic, Brooksvale Park is the spot for families and young children in Hamden, CT. The first time I went there I was in grade school and you'd be hard pressed to find another Hamdenite who couldn't say the same. Interestingly enough, while the park is known for its school programs and summer camp activities, the fun doesn't stop when school's out or camp's over. Around this time of year, you...

Emilie Ruecker Wildlife Refuge

The holidays are coming and some would argue that Thanksgiving is the busiest, most family-packed one of them all. Need a break from the chaos or simply want to stretch your legs? The Emilie Ruecker Wildlife Refuge in Tiverton, Rhode Island, is a great place to relax and walk off some of those turkey calories. It's quiet, the terrain is flat enough for almost anyone to enjoy, and your glimpses of the Sakonnet River will quite literally draw...

Watch Hill

Another beautiful day in southern Rhode Island. Before beach season hits, my mom and I thought we'd check out Watch Hill in Westerly. Sitting just over the border from Connecticut and a few miles shy of Misquamicut, Watch Hill is a hamlet for the wealthy and beach friendly. While well known for its hotel that could rival Downton Abbey, its newest claim occurred in 2013 when Taylor Swift bought a house there: a pristine white colonial on top...
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