Ah Vacationland...a beloved nickname for New England's youngest and most mysterious state: Maine. A long-time part of Massachusetts, Maine was the last New England state to be founded in 1820, a near thirty years after its closest sibling: Vermont, in 1791, and thirty-six years after the end of the Revolutionary War. Despite the state's late-coming, however, its name actually dates back to the 1600s. During that time, land was still being...
From the tiny graveyard to the top of the observation tower, the history and scenery of Fort Barton define romanticism in a modern day light. With ties to the Native Americans, a humorous encounter during the Revolutionary War, and eighty-three acres of forest, rivers and greenery, it’s the perfect backdrop for a Saturday afternoon and escape to another time. Enter the park and you come across a clearing marked by the observation tower and a...
With a bevy of animals, hiking trails, and places to picnic, Brooksvale Park is the spot for families and young children in Hamden, CT. The first time I went there I was in grade school and you'd be hard pressed to find another Hamdenite who couldn't say the same. Interestingly enough, while the park is known for its school programs and summer camp activities, the fun doesn't stop when school's out or camp's over. Around this time of year, you...
The holidays are coming and some would argue that Thanksgiving is the busiest, most family-packed one of them all. Need a break from the chaos or simply want to stretch your legs? The Emilie Ruecker Wildlife Refuge in Tiverton, Rhode Island, is a great place to relax and walk off some of those turkey calories. It's quiet, the terrain is flat enough for almost anyone to enjoy, and your glimpses of the Sakonnet River will quite literally draw...
Ah, I remember this morning...getting up at quarter to five, putting my socks on and feeling...nervous. The history of Fort Wetherill goes back to the American Revolution in the summer of 1776. Then known as Battery on Dumpling Rock, it was meant to defend Newport Harbor against the British, but instead, the British captured Battery, Jamestown and Newport all in December of that year. Following their victory, the British made various...