Black White & Brown

Where we stop and smell the roses for you

Providence Athenaeum


While we all would have loved the weather to stay warm and perhaps visited a few more wineries, it’s that time of year when we often find ourselves wandering around inside wondering what to do with ourselves as the weather turns cold. If god forbid it’s your off day from Netflix or you’re not sure what to do or you simply need a place to work or take a break, the Providence Athenaeum may be your next best choice.

Located in the heart of College Hill on its quintessential Benefit Street, the neighborhood alone will often put you in a sentimental mood even before you arrive. Then if the sight of thousands upon thousands books is not enough to warm you, the charm of its traditional card catalogue or the ethereal, almost monastic, quietness of the Athenaeum is.

With over 150,000 volumes to choose from, whether it be the traditional book or magazine or DVD, it’s hard not to find something of interest at the Athenaeum. Items go back hundreds of years and include a wide range from classic literature to today’s novels, history, politics, travel guides and other nonfiction.


Children are also welcome at the Athenaeum and have their own private wing off the main room. You’ll also frequently find students young and old working away at the old study desks on the second floor or camped out in the armchairs downstairs.

Providence Athenaeum ladder

The beauty of the Athenaeum is that its massive collection is open to the public so you are always welcome to camp out, hunker down or simply fall in love with written word all over again any day of the week. For those who would like to borrow or request specialty books or periodicals, membership is required, but the Athenaeum will do its best to get you what you need. You can also search some of their collections online, making it even easier to find what you’re looking for.


For directions, hours, and contact information, please visit the Athenaeum website at:

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